NHKで放送された戦場鍼(Battlefield Acupuncture・BFA®)の動画
Battlefield Acupunctureとは何か – VA北東オハイオ医療システム
Battlefield Acupunctureとは何か – VA北東オハイオ医療システム(動画翻訳)
VAでは、全身鍼治療、バトルフィールド鍼治療(Battlefield Acupuncture, BFA)、バトルフィールド指圧、アロマセラピー、音楽療法、マインドフルネス、太極拳、ヨガなど、幅広いサービスを提供しています。
BFAは耳鍼(auricular acupuncture)を使った標準化されたプロトコルです。2001年にリチャード・ニーミツォ博士が軍事関係者向けに開発しました。この治療法は、VAにおいて一般的な痛みの管理のための承認された治療法です。バトルフィールド鍼治療プログラムは、VAと国防総省の共同イニシアティブとして始まり、退役軍人や軍人に非薬物的な痛み管理のための鍼治療を提供することを目的としています。
Battlefield Acupuncture(BFA)は、耳鍼(auricular acupuncture)を使った標準化されたプロトコルで、痛みの管理を目的としています。2001年にニムゾフ博士によって軍事関係者向けに開発されました。現在ではVA(退役軍人省)において、非薬物的な痛み管理のための認可された治療法として提供されています。
- 痛みを軽減し、患者の生活の質を向上させる。
- 非侵襲的かつ非薬物的な治療法である。
- 治療後、即座に効果を実感する患者が多い。
戦場鍼(Battlefield Acupuncture・BFA®)とは
本項ではASPを使用した戦場鍼(Battlefield Acupuncture・BFA®)について解説します。
戦場鍼(BFA®)は、米空軍の軍医であったDr.Richard Niemtzow(ニムゾフ退役軍医大佐)が2001年に名付けた耳介療法で、疼痛管理に有用として知られている耳の部位に鍼などによる刺激をする施術法です。近年では日本でもその効果が広まり、鍼灸治療の新しい可能性として多くの注目を集めています。
- 急性痛の緩和
戦場鍼(BFA®)は、ぎっくり腰(急性腰痛)など急性痛の緩和に効果があるとされています。耳介への針治療により、短時間で疼痛が軽減されたとする研究結果もあり、薬剤を使えない場面での即効的な対処が可能です。 - 慢性痛の軽減
腰痛や肩こり、頭痛など、長期間続く痛みを和らげる効果があります。特に、痛み止めの薬に頼りたくない方には最適です。 - ストレスや不安の緩和
副交感神経が活性化されることで、ストレスが軽減され、心身のバランスが整います。日常生活での緊張や不安を和らげるため、リラックスした状態が得られます。 - 睡眠の質の向上
自律神経が整うことで、睡眠の質が向上し、不眠症や睡眠障害の改善が期待できます。疲れやすい方や、夜中に目が覚めてしまう方にも効果的です。 - 精神的な安定
- 急性および慢性疼痛症候群
- 片頭痛
- うつ病/不安
- ストレス誘発性無関心と不眠症
- 術前/術後疼痛補助
引用元:Battlefield Acupuncture Handbook
- 妊娠または妊娠の可能性のある患者
- 出血障害のある患者
- 針を嫌う患者
- 針に対する嫌悪の個人歴、又は針に対する血管迷走神経反射のある患者
- 刺鍼部位に感染症がある患者
- Active Flight Duty(活発な飛行任務には適さない)
引用元:Battlefield Acupuncture Handbook
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BFA JAPAN認定施術者一覧
Acupuncture Today – April, 2009, Vol. 10, Issue 04
Battlefield Acupuncture for the Clinical Practitioner
Battlefield Acupuncture for the Clinical Practitioner
Recently, I have received several requests for information on battlefield acupuncture. The term battlefield acupuncture was first used in 2001 by my friend and colleague Col. Richard Niemtzow MD, PhD, who serves as a consultant for complementary and alternative medicine to the Surgeon General of the Air Force. I have served with him on the Board of Directors of the Auriculotherapy Certification Institute.
It has just been announced that the U.S. Air Force will begin training physicians being deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. The treatment uses small needles in the skin of the ear to block pain in as few as five minutes and can last for several days or longer. The procedure was initially introduced in 2008 at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC), where it was applied to wounded service members and local patients for pain relief, with significant results. The hospital, located near Ramstein Air Base in Germany, is the largest and most modern U.S. military medical facility outside the United States.
One of the pain specialists at LRMC personally experienced a 25 percent increased range of motion and a 50 percent reduction in pain for chronic shoulder and upper back pain he endured for several years. As a result of his outstanding success, he recruited his most challenging patients for whom traditional pain treatment offered limited relief. Within minutes of the needles being inserted, many said their pain had been reduced by up to 75 percent. A 25 percent reduction would be considered a success with traditional pain medications.
Despite its name, battlefield acupuncture is not purposely designed to replace standard medical care for war-related injuries but to assist in pain relief and in many cases eliminate the need for pain medication for acute and chronic pain. It is extremely easy to learn and may be taught to anyone in an extremely short time. The procedure allows a provider to confidently complete a treatment and expect a good result within minutes. There are virtually no complications and patients are subjected to little or no discomfort.
It was reported that only approximately 15 percent of patients do not respond to acupuncture, but of those who do, their pain reduction often averages about 75 percent. The frequency of application and the duration of relief vary with each patient, but treatment can progress from about two times a week to as little as once a month or longer. In some cases, further acupuncture treatment may not be required.
There are five specific points which are classically used, however many practitioners only use two. The five points are: Wonderful Point (also known as Point Zero), Shen Men, Omega 2, Thalamus and the Cingulate Gyrus. The Cingulate Gyrus point and the Thalamus are the two points which all practitioners will use.
As in so many acupuncture procedures, practitioners may place the points in different locations. The Cingulate Gyrus has also been called the Subcortex by Terry Oleson, PhD (international authority on auriculotherapy). Beate Strittmatter, MD, a German authority places it slightly differently (see Illustration). Personally, I use both locations just to make sure I cover all of my bases.
The Omega 2 point is on the internal of the helix. Due to the thinness of the auricle at this point, any stimulation from the exterior will contact the Omega 2 point. Some may wish to approach this point from the interior, but I personally go from the exterior.
The Thalamus point is directly opposite on the internal side of the exterior points known as the Temple or Sun. Most battlefield acupuncture practitioners approach the Thalamus from the internal position. However, I have always felt this point could be accessed as easily by stimulation of the Temple (Sun) points from the exterior and have used it that way for years.
The official procedure uses gold semi-permanent needles, which are placed directly into the point and left to fall out on their own in a day or two. I have seen marvelous results with low-level laser directly to the points, as well as electronic stimulation. Conventional acupuncture needles may be stimulated for 10 minutes. Then use an acu-patch, which is a small stimulation sphere attached by flesh-colored adhesive. This can be left in place for several days or longer.
This procedure is too valuable to overlook in your general practice. It is easy, quick and effective. Do not limit yourself to just acute or chronic pain with this combination of points. It is also extremely effective in anxiety, neurosis, neurasthenia and any psychological or stress related issues.
Battlefield Acupuncture Does Not Provide Additional Improvement in Pain When Combined With Standard Physical Therapy After Shoulder Surgery: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Michael S Crowell 1 2, Erin M Florkiewicz 2 3, Jamie B Morris 2, John S Mason 4, Will Pitt 4, Timothy Benedict 2, Kenneth L Cameron 5, Donald L Goss 2 6
Affiliations Expand
PMID: 39797512 DOI: 10.1093/milmed/usae577
Introduction: Shoulder stabilization surgery is common among military personnel, causing severe acute postoperative pain that may contribute to the development of chronic pain, thereby reducing military readiness. Battlefield Acupuncture (BFA) has shown promise as a non-pharmaceutical intervention for acute postoperative pain. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of BFA combined with standard physical therapy on pain, self-reported mood, self-reported improvement, and medication use in patients after shoulder stabilization surgery.
Materials and methods: The study design was a single-blind, randomized clinical trial, approved by the Naval Medical Center Portsmouth Institutional Review Board and registered with ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT04094246). Ninety-five participants were recruited after shoulder stabilization surgery. Participants were randomized via concealed allocation into a standard physical therapy (PT) group or a group receiving standard PT and BFA. Both groups received standard postoperative pain medication. The BFA intervention followed a standard protocol with the insertion of gold aiguille d’acupuncture emiermanente needles at 5 specific points in the ear. At 4 time points (baseline [24-48 hours], 72 hours, 1 week, and 4 weeks post-surgery), participants reported worst and average pain using a Visual Analog Scale (VAS), self-reported mood using the Profile of Mood States (POMS), self-recorded medication intake between study visits, and self-reported improvement in symptoms using a Global Rating of Change (GROC) Scale. Outcome assessors were blinded to treatment allocation. An alpha level of 0.05 was set a priori. For pain, a mixed-model analysis of variance was used to analyze the interaction effect between group and time. Differences in baseline data, total opioid usage, and pain change scores between groups were analyzed using independent t-tests.
Results: Of the 95 participants enrolled, 7 failed to provide complete study visits after the baseline, leaving 88 patients (43 BFA, 45 control, mean age 21.8 (2.1) years, 23% female). There were no significant group-by-time interactions for VAS worst pain (F = 0.70, P = .54), VAS average pain (F = 0.99, P = .39), the POMS (F = 1.04, P = .37), or GROC (F = 0.43, P = 0.63). There was a significant main effect of time for VAS worst pain (F = 159.7, P < .001), VAS average pain (F = 122.4, P < .001), the POMS (F = 11.4, P < .001), and the GROC (F = 78.5, P < .001). While both groups demonstrated statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvements in pain and self-reported mood over time, BFA did not provide any additional benefit compared to standard physical therapy alone. There was no significant difference in opioid usage between groups at 4 weeks (t = 0.49, P = .63). Finally, both groups also demonstrated statistically significant and clinically meaningful self-reported improvements in function, but again, there was no additional benefit when adding BFA to standard physical therapy.
Conclusion: The results of this study do not support the effectiveness of BFA for postsurgical pain management as there were no significant differences in pain, self-reported mood, self-reported improvement, and medication use between participants who received BFA and those who did not. As this is the only known study of BFA in postsurgical participants, continued research is needed to determine if BFA is effective for pain reduction in that setting.
Clinical trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04094246. Registered September 16, 2019, http://clinicaltrials.gov/NCT04094246.
Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States 2025. This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.
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肩の安定化手術後の急性術後疼痛に対する戦場鍼(Battlefield Acupuncture・BFA)の効果を、標準的な理学療法(PT)と組み合わせて検証した論文では、戦場鍼が標準PTに追加されても術後疼痛管理において有効ではないことが示されました。この結果から明らかなように、戦場鍼がすべての状況や症例で有効であるとは限りません。この結果を踏まえると、戦場鍼を用いる際には、その効果が発揮されやすい状況を見極めることが重要だと感じます。また、今後の研究を通じて、適切な活用方法がより明確になることを期待しています。
戦場鍼(BFA)とはアメリカのDr. Richard Niemtzowが提唱した耳介療法で、耳の5つの特定のツボにASPを含む何らかの道具を使って刺激を与えることで症状の改善を図ります。